Is socialism working in Sweden? If so, how?
PRO-SOCIALISM ANSWERS ONLY. I'm writing an essay and it must prove why socialism is GOOD in Sweden. I could some help. 5 stars for best answer
Government - 2 Answers
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1 :
Actually, the Swedes have abandoned it. Sorry, it's a difficult essay topic because the pro arguments aren't very good. But you could point out that Sweden was pretty prosperous when it did have democratic socialism.
2 :
Gini coefficient is very low (weath is distributed properly). Human Development Index is high (Well developed country). Average income around $45K annually, since gini is low its a good approximation to everyone in the country. While the socialist party is no longer in power, their government is socialist as rules can't just be undone. Decades of socialism will result in a long period of time before anything chages. Taxation is about 50% of income. So if you make $1000 after taxes you only get half. 13.4% are immigrants, signaling a healthy and prosperous economy. School is free including university, this helps in equalizing opportunities. Sweden has long been at the forefront of research and development, even though its only a few million people. Sweden ranked either as the first or second country publishing the highest number of scientific publications in the fields of medical science, natural science and engineering in 2001. Healthcare is free. Life expectancy is high. When you consider the size of Sweden vs its accomplishments and position at the world wide scale, it is clear that socialism has made this possible as it allowed a capitalist system to be in place, but the wealth distribution to be more equalized, and gives everyone an opportunity at university and higher education.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
what do I need to work in Germany if I have a polish girlfriend
what do I need to work in Germany if I have a polish girlfriend?
I am Mexican and my polish girlfriend works in Germany, I want to stay with her but I would need a job, someone knows if its possible trough the resident permit to work? because in Norway and Sweden it's possible.
Other - Europe - 1 Answers
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1 :
Yes you can get a resident and work permit for Germany, but it is very very difficult. You'd need to have a qualification that is very much in demand such as engineer or computer specialist. Bachelor is usually the minimum requirement. You have first have to find a job in Germany, then you need to apply for special skilled migrant visa at the German embassy in your country of residence. If you are serious about your girlfriend consider to get married, as marriage would give you the automatic right to live with her in Germany and also give you the right to a work permit. Another option you should look at is a job in Spain. The Spanish authorities actively recruit young university graduates and skilled workers from Mexico, once you have been working in Spain for a few years it will be a lot easier get a residency and work permit for Germany. (There are special EU regulations that make it easier to get a residency and work permit for one EU state if you have held a residency and work permit for another EU country for a certain time already.) Plus is also that your girlfriend is allowed to work and live in Spain without a residency or work permit and Spain is much closer to Germany than Mexico.
I am Mexican and my polish girlfriend works in Germany, I want to stay with her but I would need a job, someone knows if its possible trough the resident permit to work? because in Norway and Sweden it's possible.
Other - Europe - 1 Answers
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1 :
Yes you can get a resident and work permit for Germany, but it is very very difficult. You'd need to have a qualification that is very much in demand such as engineer or computer specialist. Bachelor is usually the minimum requirement. You have first have to find a job in Germany, then you need to apply for special skilled migrant visa at the German embassy in your country of residence. If you are serious about your girlfriend consider to get married, as marriage would give you the automatic right to live with her in Germany and also give you the right to a work permit. Another option you should look at is a job in Spain. The Spanish authorities actively recruit young university graduates and skilled workers from Mexico, once you have been working in Spain for a few years it will be a lot easier get a residency and work permit for Germany. (There are special EU regulations that make it easier to get a residency and work permit for one EU state if you have held a residency and work permit for another EU country for a certain time already.) Plus is also that your girlfriend is allowed to work and live in Spain without a residency or work permit and Spain is much closer to Germany than Mexico.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Would Democratic Socialism work in America now
Would Democratic Socialism work in America now?
This is not a question based on your political beliefs and opinions but a factual question. Would Democratic Socialism, in a country like Sweden, would it work in America today? Why and why not? *Facepalm* Democratic Socialism is a path of Socialism not from the Democratic party...... I am not saying that I would like this sort of government implented in America but I was merely asking if this type of political system could be sustained. Xan I like your philosophy.
Politics - 14 Answers
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1 :
Not yet
2 :
US is already a semi socialist nation
3 :
No, we have a much bigger population and already have many people leeching off the system on welfare. If you take more from those who are productive and work, only to redistribute it to those who don't, it's only a matter of when, not if, the entire system would collapse.
4 :
To varying degrees, aren't we already there? We've had a hybrid or capitalism and social programs since the 60s, and arguably since the 20s. It isn't a question of working or not, it's a question of which works BETTER.
5 :
There are to many borders for that.Also many Americans would not settle for less than the freedom many have died for.
6 :
How big is Sweden? How large was the low-income population compared to their middle to high income population before they turned socialist? How big is America? How large is America's low income population compared to the middle- to high income population?
7 :
It doesn't work in Sweden and will never work in America, that's why.
8 :
It's not entirely based on if it "would" work, but how to sustain it .. and if people would conform to it.
9 :
No ... too many uneducated, ill informed Americans who have never traveled even past their own state boundaries ... like Tommy, even the word 'socialism' already makes them crap their pants!
10 :
You do realize the tax rate in Sweden is over 50%. Is that something you want?
11 :
Me being of the belief that no form of socialism can "work", even one disguised in democracy, no.
12 :
9 million vs 300 million population? I don't thinks so. Our unemployed population is more than that.
13 :
It may take a bunch of trials and errors. In principle, the populace wants it, even grass root conservatives have principles similar to democratic socialism, but upon implementation, the existing capitalistic sources of revenue would shut down in protest, like major banks, and lending institutions. It would be up to the populace to demand its continuation, despite of these institutions rebelling against it. Then they would find an alternative way of ripping us off. But it would be good for the US and we should stop fear-mongering. I actually think it will happen the day that existing capitalism fails so badly that it won't be able to mask its own shortcomings anymore,and then the everyday man will say "what the f Uck! Lets get rid of these bums, or better yet, lets make them work for us, instead us for them!!" I actually believe in a Socialist government in a capitalist economy. That means, government provides all the citizens for their basic needs and provides a leveled playing field for companies, but the companies have to actually compete, not make silent-cartels, and reach people have to actually work to be rich, not just benefit from speculation. How can anyone object to this, in principle? I know implementation is a mess, but we need to strive to achieve it.
14 :
no. it is unconstitutional. and the DSA is partners with the Democrat party and sponsers the Progressive caucus in Congress, all dems. its on their web site.
This is not a question based on your political beliefs and opinions but a factual question. Would Democratic Socialism, in a country like Sweden, would it work in America today? Why and why not? *Facepalm* Democratic Socialism is a path of Socialism not from the Democratic party...... I am not saying that I would like this sort of government implented in America but I was merely asking if this type of political system could be sustained. Xan I like your philosophy.
Politics - 14 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Not yet
2 :
US is already a semi socialist nation
3 :
No, we have a much bigger population and already have many people leeching off the system on welfare. If you take more from those who are productive and work, only to redistribute it to those who don't, it's only a matter of when, not if, the entire system would collapse.
4 :
To varying degrees, aren't we already there? We've had a hybrid or capitalism and social programs since the 60s, and arguably since the 20s. It isn't a question of working or not, it's a question of which works BETTER.
5 :
There are to many borders for that.Also many Americans would not settle for less than the freedom many have died for.
6 :
How big is Sweden? How large was the low-income population compared to their middle to high income population before they turned socialist? How big is America? How large is America's low income population compared to the middle- to high income population?
7 :
It doesn't work in Sweden and will never work in America, that's why.
8 :
It's not entirely based on if it "would" work, but how to sustain it .. and if people would conform to it.
9 :
No ... too many uneducated, ill informed Americans who have never traveled even past their own state boundaries ... like Tommy, even the word 'socialism' already makes them crap their pants!
10 :
You do realize the tax rate in Sweden is over 50%. Is that something you want?
11 :
Me being of the belief that no form of socialism can "work", even one disguised in democracy, no.
12 :
9 million vs 300 million population? I don't thinks so. Our unemployed population is more than that.
13 :
It may take a bunch of trials and errors. In principle, the populace wants it, even grass root conservatives have principles similar to democratic socialism, but upon implementation, the existing capitalistic sources of revenue would shut down in protest, like major banks, and lending institutions. It would be up to the populace to demand its continuation, despite of these institutions rebelling against it. Then they would find an alternative way of ripping us off. But it would be good for the US and we should stop fear-mongering. I actually think it will happen the day that existing capitalism fails so badly that it won't be able to mask its own shortcomings anymore,and then the everyday man will say "what the f Uck! Lets get rid of these bums, or better yet, lets make them work for us, instead us for them!!" I actually believe in a Socialist government in a capitalist economy. That means, government provides all the citizens for their basic needs and provides a leveled playing field for companies, but the companies have to actually compete, not make silent-cartels, and reach people have to actually work to be rich, not just benefit from speculation. How can anyone object to this, in principle? I know implementation is a mess, but we need to strive to achieve it.
14 :
no. it is unconstitutional. and the DSA is partners with the Democrat party and sponsers the Progressive caucus in Congress, all dems. its on their web site.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
will american lamps work in europe
will american lamps work in europe?
would like to buy a lamp from Crate and Barrel. Would it work in Sweden? I know the US has 110V, and we use 230V. I know some electronics can handle a range of volts, for example my laptop can handle 100-240V so it works in Europe and the US as long as i convert the actual plug, but I dont have to convert the power. Would this be true for some lamps as well? And if the lamp can only handle 110V, can I just use a transformer to convert 230V down to 110V? ...and what about the hertz?
Other - Europe - 4 Answers
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1 :
I think you still have to have a converter
2 :
You may just need to change the plug. At work we convert European to American by just changing plug you may also need to change socket but it will be cheaper than a converter.
3 :
The lamp is o.k., the bulp however (110 Volts), will produce a bright light, but only for a couple of seconds/minutes, then it will quit the service (broken filament). Just buy a european 230 volts bulb and use it with your lamp. Regular bulps have the same fittings. Furthermore you need a plug-adapter, since Swedish plug/sockets look like that.!f.htm
4 :
My friend brought a lamp from the states to Europe and just had someone change the plug for her. I brought a vhs recorder years ago and had a electrician neighbor fix it for me to work over here in Europe. We also brought a converter over from the states that works for small appliances.
would like to buy a lamp from Crate and Barrel. Would it work in Sweden? I know the US has 110V, and we use 230V. I know some electronics can handle a range of volts, for example my laptop can handle 100-240V so it works in Europe and the US as long as i convert the actual plug, but I dont have to convert the power. Would this be true for some lamps as well? And if the lamp can only handle 110V, can I just use a transformer to convert 230V down to 110V? ...and what about the hertz?
Other - Europe - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I think you still have to have a converter
2 :
You may just need to change the plug. At work we convert European to American by just changing plug you may also need to change socket but it will be cheaper than a converter.
3 :
The lamp is o.k., the bulp however (110 Volts), will produce a bright light, but only for a couple of seconds/minutes, then it will quit the service (broken filament). Just buy a european 230 volts bulb and use it with your lamp. Regular bulps have the same fittings. Furthermore you need a plug-adapter, since Swedish plug/sockets look like that.!f.htm
4 :
My friend brought a lamp from the states to Europe and just had someone change the plug for her. I brought a vhs recorder years ago and had a electrician neighbor fix it for me to work over here in Europe. We also brought a converter over from the states that works for small appliances.
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