Saturday, February 21, 2009

How does Socialism in Sweden work

How does Socialism in Sweden work?
I don't know much about it. Couldn't someone who doesnt have a job get free money from the government to live on?
Government - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
everyone gets a meatball
2 :
Not sure, but I understand that most children do not have two married parents.
3 :
Based on their last election, the people aren't too thrilled with it. They booted the "Bolsheviks" out of office.
4 :
"Socialism" in Sweden is merely a slight, political inclination at present, and it doesn't have any big influence on the existing social programmes. What it means is precisely what you said. If somebody is unable to fend for themselves, they can, upon application, be provided with means to live in dignity until they do find employment. Not too different from most places, you say? Quite true, pretty much any country these days has programmes like that. But the ones in Sweden are especially generous. They also give the person in question extensive healthcare and social benefits of a genre unknown to some places. There is a constant need to justify these niceties though. People don't just get stuff thrown at them, they need to prove that there is no other way for them to get by.