Saturday, August 7, 2010

How does a radio transmitter and reciever work

How does a radio transmitter and reciever work?
Hi. Im doing a essay in school about mobile phones. I want to explain how the radio components work but I can really understand exactly how it works... Im from Sweden and there are no good websites that explains how they work and the english websites are too advanced for me... So can someone please explain how the components work so a 15 year old swede can understand? Thank you ^^
Engineering - 1 Answers
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1 :
I already gave you a detailed description before. Now, if you have specific questions, then I or others can give specific answers. Otherwise you're asking us to write a whole technical manual for you. You can go to the the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) web site. They have a number of books on the subject. They even have some that will walk you through building your own transmitter/receiver. You can E-mail me too if you want.