Friday, October 14, 2011

So is socialism still working anywhere? Sweden? Norway

So is socialism still working anywhere? Sweden? Norway?
Will leftists still say socialism is working in Norway (a major North Sea oil exporter) or Sweden (a major arms supplier)? What will they say if Norway or Sweden goes broke like Greece? Peace Bread, I notice you didn't provide any evidence to support your assertions. Assertion without evidence is ASSUMPTION!
Politics - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Haiti, HA HA HA< I just crack myself up
2 :
Sweden and Norway won't go broke and Greece was never socialist. You have no evidence and you say the most ridiculous things. Turn off fox news and go see the real world.
3 :
Liberals will never admit to the failure of Socialism.
4 :
There is no country in the world today that is a pure follower of their own dogma. China has elements of capitalism, USA has elements of socialism, etc.
5 :
Sweden and Norway have the best educated people in the world. Pure Fact.
6 :
Is Capitalism working anywhere? Oh that's right, there hasn't ever been capitalism anywhere