Friday, September 21, 2012

What other language to learn- Global management (Europe)

What other language to learn- Global management (Europe)?
I am currently a senior, finishing up high school. I am bilingual in Portuguese and English and proficient in conversational Spanish. I am enrolled at the University of Pittsburgh. Should I further my education in Spanish and Portuguese or learn Swedish or another European language in hopes of getting a job? (I dream of working in Sweden or Scotland, or anywhere actually in the European continent as a Global Manager for a corp.)
Languages - 1 Answers
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1 :
Learn German! More people in Europe speak German than any other language, and Germany has a very strong economy. Or learn French. French, English, and German are the most important languages in Europe. Portuguese is not a very important language here... actually, even Spanish isn't really, either. One advantage you have is that basically everyone in the Scandinavian countries speaks English, which certainly is not the case in Spain, but if you want to work in Sweden, it might be more practical for YOU to learn Swedish. And... you should also look into realistic possibilities, visa requirements, etc. first to see if the countries you choose are possible.