Sunday, October 14, 2012

can i goto denmark on regular basis on my sweden student visa

can i goto denmark on regular basis on my sweden student visa?
hey i'm planning to goto Sweden for studies i wanted to know if i can travel to denmark on regular basis or any other neighbouring country which is probably i guess schengen countries...on my Sweden Student Visa... and can i work over there on student visa if i had to sumtimes...and can i also work in denmark if i had to on the same visa... i'm a little confused over here a little adivce please...;thanx
Other - Europe - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
When you hold a student visa (type D) it only authorizes the travel into the country of issue and would state valid for "Sverige" and would authorize a prior transit of up to 5 days to reach the destination country. It is not like a tourist visa (type C) which states valid for "Schengenstater" and you can use it for traveling through all 25 countries in Europe forming the Schengen zone. What I just can't understand is the fact that you are a student but obviously are not capable of reading and understanding the provisions which have been told to you when you got your student visa. Once you should get a residence permit (Uppehållstillstånd) you may travel up to 90 days in a six months period to other Schengen countries to include Demark for visits (tourist purposes) but not for work. If you would want to work in Denmark you would have to obtain a Danish work permit. Source(s):
2 :
If you work in Sweden or Denmark while visiting as a "student" you will be sent home to Pakistan promptly. (I checked out your website and it seems you are from Pakistan).
3 :
If you have a visa for Sweden you would not be allowed to work in Denmark. You'd have to apply for a separate Danish work visa.